
Hi Nurse,

Today, when I decided to make special blog for indonesian nurse, I believe that I can do everything for improvment knowlede, skill, professional indonesian nurse. so I hope we can share everything for make true our dream. Indonesia nurse future have high motivation, professional skill, human touch, empaty to patient.

6 Responses

  1. Ini nih foto waktu kita masih kuliah, pokoknya seru deh. Mantap lagi bersama orang-orang yang hebat-hebat.

  2. Hallo Toto Salam Nurses…..Selalu Jaya…..terima kasih atas kunjungannya …..Mudah-mudahn kedepan banyak perawat yang bisa menulis walupun cuma cerita…….he…he……..
    Salam untuk yang lain

  3. udah berkunjung di perawatonline.com??

    jangan lupa untuk gabung juga di perawat.web.id yg merupakan weblog komunitas bagi para perawat yang suka ngeblog…

    Hidup perawat Indonesia…..

  4. wah……
    hebat nie…
    saya di bantu ya…
    yang masih sekolah ini…
    gimana memulai kesuksesan keprofesian perawat…

  5. good luck and have a nice trip to gain your future. I hope you can grasp all of your dreams. Make sure and proof to the world there is still a hope for indonesian nurisng. cheers. Budi in Semarang

  6. hi there,
    nice blog you have here.

    keep posting as we still need more indonesian bloggers from Nursing background.

    If you meet with Dr Hadi Supanta then please extend our regards for him (He was with SOS in Tembagapura before he joined Saipem)

    btw, we need more contributors to our weblog in http://www.diskusiperawat.co.cc. You are heartly welcome to our blog to share your ideas, experiences and knowledge to our other nurse/medic buddies. can’t wait to see you there šŸ™‚

    your ex-sos medic mate,

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